Ideal roommates



I’m a software engineer by profession, but my heart belongs to photography. There’s something magical about capturing moments through the lens. On weekends, you’ll find me hiking in the mountains, seeking that perfect shot of nature’s beauty. The fresh air, the rugged trails—it’s my escape from lines of code and algorithms. ️

Now, let’s talk about my living habits. I’m a responsible and clean person. Clutter? Not on my watch! I believe in keeping things tidy and organized. When it comes to roommates, I prefer sharing space with like-minded people. You know, those who appreciate a well-arranged bookshelf and don’t mind discussing the latest camera gear over dinner. ️

So, that’s me—a software engineer with a passion for photography, a mountain enthusiast, and a neat freak. Nice to meet you!

Listing ID: L240413135656

Posted on 13 April 2024